How can I lose fat on my legs fast? چربی کم کرنے کا طریقہ

 How can I lose fat on my legs fast? چربی کم کرنے کا طریقہ

How can I lose fat on my legs fast?

Modern people often sit or stand for long periods due to work or study, resulting in an annoying “pear-shaped body” for a long time. The problem of lower limb oedema and obesity has become a nightmare for many people. For people to slim down their lower body and thighs, you must first understand what kind of lower limb problem you have and then combine aerobic and anaerobic exercises so that you can exercise at home or the gym. Can create a habit, basically solve this problem—the “thick legs” question.

For students and office workers who need to sit for long periods at work or in class, a cup of milk for lunch is a reward, which can keep them motivated for the second half of the day. However, precious milk is high in calories. After a long time, I can only see that my hips are getting wider, the chair is getting narrower and narrower, my thighs are getting thicker, and my buttocks are growing. Flattering, my stomach getting fatter, and all kinds of lower limb hypertrophy issues arise.

Every summer, I don’t dare face shorts in the closet. All the above situations can be seen simultaneously as long as I wear them. However, sitting in a chair for long periods at work and in class is inevitable, and you may grow your hips.

What should I do if I want to lose weight but have to sit for long periods? It doesn’t matter, come, come, just read this article!

Want to slim your thighs? Find out what your leg type is!

Do you know? There are different types of fat, and various types will have completely other causes and at the same time, ways to deal with them. Here I will teach you how to detect different kinds of leg obesity, identify them and prescribe the proper medication.

How to detect fatty legs:

First, stand with your legs straight and stretch them as hard as possible. After tightening, pinch your thighs with your hands. If you can’t tweak the fat, it belongs to the type of muscle; If you swipe it, if it’s not elastic and the inner thigh is very soft, it’s fat. If the skin colour of the pinched area returns very slowly, it is a type of oedema.



how to lose thigh fat

After that, we will recommend the right exercises and methods of improvement for you according to the three types of thick legs.

Exercises To Lose Leg Fat Fast | 

چربی کم کرنے کے طریقے

Thigh Slimming Exercises - Muscle Type

Tip: Start by relaxing, stretching your muscles, and adjusting your exercise routine.

This type of group is more muscular and has more body fat. So don’t think that the name is a muscle. Therefore, there is no fat in the thighs!

Since muscle lines are more pronounced in appearance, remember to stretch after exercise to relax the muscles. It is recommended to get into the habit of dividing the movements into 3 or 4 groups during exercise. Allow your muscles to rest between sets, or do some stretching exercises instead of doing all the reps at once.

Also Read: How to Lose Weight Fast وزن کم کرنے کے آسان اور بے حد موثر طریقے

This will help blood circulation in the lower limbs, and the muscles will not be too tight and sore. In addition, you can also change the fitness menu while reducing the anaerobic exercise that usually requires leg exercises, such as squats, Bulgarian split squats, etc. The opportunity can be converted to aerobic exercise to reduce. It can also maintain the fat-burning effect.

A little knowledge before stretching:

Some experts have mentioned that ten seconds can be enough to relax and stretch the muscles. If you want to try the muscle fully, it takes at least 20 seconds, and you must feel pain while pushing to be effective! So I encourage everyone here to avoid the angle of the pull for fear of pain, and the number of seconds will decrease. Also, no matter which muscle group is being stretched, try to complete as much of the posture as possible, don’t narrow the angle just because you want to. There is a risk of pain, not only that the muscles will not stretch fully. , but it will also cause muscle stiffness.

Exercises to stretch your legs

Thigh Slimming Exercise - Stretch your calf.

The calf (the back portion of the lower leg) is the part girls worry about the most and the easiest to build muscle. It is easy to overstretch the calf muscles, which also means that the posture during the exercise is not correct, or the core muscle strength is insufficient, so the calf strength will be used to compensate for the activity!

چربی کم کرنے کے طریقے

straightening knees for fat loss

After extending one foot, bend the heel back, and at the same time, slowly bend the body forward, sit back with the hips, and straighten the calf and thigh. At this point, you may feel pain in the calf.

Tip: You can kick off your high heels at the end of the day and do this stretch to relax your calves!

Knee Extension to lose fat

After extending one foot, hook the heel back, and at the same time slowly bend the body forward, sit back with the hips, bend the knee slightly, straighten the calf, and strengthen the stretch and deep muscles. Give rest.

how to lose leg fat

Tip: At this point, the toes can be leaned against the wall or stepped on to maintain balance by correcting the foot position.

Front Calf Stretch

If most of the muscles are on the front of the calf, you can reverse the position of the previous movement.

Place your toes on a step or chair, press down on the backs of your feet, and place your hands on a wall or rail to rest the front of your calves.

Thigh Slimming Exercise - Thigh Stretch

Running, biking or freewheeling typically uses the front of the thigh. So, whether she is doing aerobic or anaerobic exercise, this stretch is suitable for all ethnic groups.

Front Thigh Stretch

(1) Support the wall with one hand, hold the calf on the same side with one hand, bend the calf backwards and raise the hips. It is better to keep the legs together without the distance between the thighs.

(2) If you do not feel pain, you can tilt your body forward again to increase the stretching angle and stretch the thigh muscles.


Tip: If the balance is difficult for the body, you can take a chair and stretch the muscles by leaning the front of the knee of the back folded leg (at the end of the thigh bend) on the back of the chair.

Stretching in back of thigh

(1) Raise the leg to one side on a cabinet or chair, or the gym will have a stretching area, and you can place your feet on the railing.

(2) The height should be such that the angle of the thigh is more than 90 degrees from the ground, the toes are parallel to the knees, and the body is bent forward.

Tip: If you want to stretch more, you can squat down to make the stretch angle bigger.

Thigh Slimming Exercise - Stretch Buttocks

Pigeon Style to lose fat

Place your hands on the ground, bend one foot, pull it under a tight stomach, keep the pelvis from turning, press the upper body down, hold for five breaths, and switch sides.

Thigh slimming exercise - Iliopsoas stretch

You may need to familiarize yourself with the name of the iliopsoas muscle. The iliopsoas is located on either side of our pelvis. We lift our feet, walk, sit, climb stairs, and tilt our pelvis forward. This muscle mainly performs movements that require flexion of the foot. Why do you need to rest this muscle group?

Many people suffer from chronic lower back pain related to tightness in the iliopsoas muscle. Sitting for long periods can tighten this muscle and nearby muscle groups. Once the muscles are stiff, the range of motion in the legs will be limited, reducing the exercise’s effect. If the posture is not correct, if it is severe, the pelvis will tilt forward, the lower back will be narrow, and the upper body weight will press the spine, causing pressure and pain in the spine. Will be. This is one of the reasons why many sedentary people suffer from lower back pain.

It’s the least noticeable muscle group and the indirect cause of many office workers’ and students’ unwitting back injuries.

Low Lounge method to lose leg fat

(1) Apply lightly. Bend one foot and sit down, thigh and calf erect.

(2) The other foot is back, the knee is on the ground in front, the hand of the same side pulls the calf of the same side to the thigh, the upper body is straight, and then the foot is switched.


(1) The upper body must be straight. If you bend over, it will put pressure on the spine. You should land on the front of your knees and thigh muscles and avoid landing on the front of your knees, which can cause injury.

lose leg fat

(2) If you need to increase the stretching area, you can move the foot position backward with the knee on the ground to increase the stretching angle.

(3) Hold on to the wall or chair next to you to increase your body’s stability.

Thigh Slimming Exercises - Fat Type

Tip: Aerobic and anaerobic exercise help slim your thighs!


This is the most annoying and common type for all girls, but it is also the most straightforward to see weight loss effects. As the name suggests, losing fat is “fat burning”.

Unlike muscle type, start with muscle strength training, combine it with aerobic exercise, gradually reduce the drinks and snacks you usually consume, eat more protein foods and adjust your eating habits. Adjust, the effect will be better. Suppose the cardiopulmonary function has yet to be established. In that case, it is recommended to try swimming, which can train the cardiopulmonary function and achieve aerobic effects during the need to kick the water, making it more accessible. Lose weight!

Next, we will divide it into “Home Type” and “Gym”, providing exercises that can slim your legs and lift your hips at home or the gym.

Muscle Strength Training for Slim Thighs at Home

Slim Thigh Exercise - Leg Muscle Strength Training

Outer thigh exercise for fat loss

(1) After lying on your side, raise your elbow close to the ground, raise your head slightly to support your upper body, bend the foot on the same side, and straighten the other foot obliquely. Do

(2) Tighten the core, fix the torso, push from outside the thigh, lift the foot up after exhaling, and inhale while lowering the leg.

Tip: It should be noted that the feet cannot touch the ground when the thighs are lowered. The purpose is to prevent the muscles from relaxing during the exercise, to resist gravity, and to train muscular endurance. You can adjust the number of times according to your physical fitness and do four groups; each group is about 12~20 times.

Inner Thigh exercise

(1) As in the previous movement, with side support and upper body still on the ground, place the top foot in front of the other.

(2) Drive the inner thigh down to exert strength and lift it inwards for 15 seconds. Alternate feet can do 3~4 groups. You can increase the number of seconds or decrease the speed when lifting to increase the difficulty.

Front Thigh exercise

The Bulgarian Split Squat is a home exercise that often trains the front of the thigh. Although this is common, many people make mistakes.

(1) First, in an anchor step, the thigh of the front foot should be perpendicular to the calf at 90 degrees. The opposite thigh should also be at 90 degrees to the calf. It should be noted that the step, which is often overlooked, should be at 90 degrees to the floor. Mantra: 3 90 degrees.

 (2) After adjusting the posture, tighten the core, fix the torso, and use the hips and front thighs to move the body up and down. Exhale as you go down, and inhale as you return to the original position.

Tip: If the step is not vertical when the body is down, the front foot will bend forward and the knee will give out, causing knee injury.

When many people do Bulgarian split squats, the stapes are not vertical because there is insufficient muscle mass on the front of the thigh, which causes the body to not adapt to the pain experienced during the exercise. Reduces the angle of the Step. If this is the case, you can place the step against the wall and fix the posture without moving. Or reduce the number of times you do it; you can effectively train your thighs and hips and adapt to the pain, so you don’t have so much pain during training!

Back of thigh

There are many home exercises for the back of the thigh because the core is often used. If the core strength is not enough, it is easy to get injured due to unstable posture, so here is an exercise that involves injury. The risk of infection is reduced.

(1) Lie on your back, press the towel under your feet, and the heels pull the towel toward your torso. As you exhale, lift your back, tighten your hips, and slowly place your feet. On the ground.

(2) (2) Use the power of your feet to push the towel back slowly. Inhale, relax the hips, and lower back, and return the feet to the original position.

Tip: This exercise is best done on the floor. If you want to exercise in bed, pay attention to whether the bed is too soft. If the mattress is too soft, the exercise effect will be compromised.

Slim Thigh Exercise - Hip Muscle Strength Training

lose leg fat

Lifting Back Leg

(1) Lie on your back with your face down, and straighten your legs. After exhaling, use the strength of your hips to lift your legs up, then lower them slowly and inhale simultaneously.

(2) When raising the legs, lift them higher, better and a little longer so that the buttocks muscles can be exercised more.

Tip: Many people new to this movement are used to applying power from the back of the thigh. So, when doing this, place your hands on your hips to remind yourself where to apply the force.


(1) First, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing outwards. Place your hands together and make fists to balance your body. Tighten the abdomen, sit back on the hips after exhaling and lower the body so that the thighs and calves are 90 degrees vertical.

(2) Clamp the hips, use the strength of the hips to bring the body back to its original position, and simultaneously breathe; the abdomen is always tight.

Slim Thigh Exercise - Abdominal Muscle Strength Training

I wonder if everyone will be curious to see four "abdominal training" characters here? Do you think abdominal training has anything to do with skinny legs?


The structure of the human body is comprehensive. If we only train the legs and not the core, it is easy to lean back while walking, resulting in an imbalance in the upper and lower body. Unstable, it is easy to create poor sitting posture, which is easy to back pain problems.

However, is it that easy to exercise the abdominal muscles? Let’s first understand the abdominal muscles in brief. The abs, like the thigh muscles, are not a one-sided muscle group. The abdominal muscles are divided into four layers, and the outermost layer is the external oblique muscles, which everyone calls the “mermaid line.” The next layer is the internal oblique muscle. The muscle in the middle of the abdomen is the rectus abdominus. As the name suggests, this muscle runs straight, and the deepest layer is the transverse abdominis.

External Oblique Muscle Training

Keep your body on the edge of your elbow. Then, lift your torso off the ground, and cross your feet over your elbow to balance your body. After exhaling, straighten the other arm overhead, perpendicular to the ground.

After exhaling:

  • Wrap the hand on the other side under the waist.
  • Drive the body to turn together.
  • At the same time, move the head in the direction of the hand.


Tip: You can check with a mirror if your hand is flat on the ground. When doing the second step, the trunk should be turned to make the movement more precise.

Muscle strength training for slim thighs at the gym

The advantage of fitness equipment is that it has a constant speed, which can make exercise posture more stable, especially for the hamstring muscles, which are usually difficult to train at home.


Thigh Slimming Exercise - Thigh Stretch

(1) After sitting on the equipment, adjust the back of the chair so that the knee position can lean against the edge of the chair when lying back, and adjust the resistance pad under the ankle position.

(2) After you adjust the weight accordingly, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your toes should be parallel to your knees. After exhaling, lift the resistance pad with both feet and slowly return to the original position as you inhale. This machine works the quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh and helps protect the knee.


Tip: Do not straighten your knees as you lift your feet off the resistance mat. This behaviour translates into running the machine with the knees up, not training the muscles and stressing the knees simultaneously.

Thigh Slimming Exercise - Leg Press

If home-style glute training isn’t challenging, then trying the leg press is recommended. There are many types of leg press. The safest is a fixed pedal type, with a 10-unit bar, which can easily adjust the weight. Compared to the leg press, which requires the pedal to be pushed from the bottom up, it is easier to stop the exercise if the weight cannot be supported.


(1) Feet are shoulder-width apart, knees are parallel to toes, and the cushion is adjusted to a point where the knees are slightly bent.

(2) After tightening the core of the abdomen, it is similar to squatting, using the heel, and using the power of the hips to fight with the pedal.

(3) Exhale and bend the knee slightly as you push the pedal away. Then slowly return to the original position and inhale at the same time.



Tip: Never straighten your knees when pedalling. Just imagine that if the weight of the leg press machine is 40 kg, the knee will bear 40 kg of pressure, making sports injuries very easy!

Slim Thigh Workout to lose fat

(1) After adjusting the weight, open the two resistance pads of the equipment and adjust to the extent that your thighs can be opened.

(2) Sit forward, tighten the abdomen’s core, and pinch the legs inward after exhaling. Open your legs back to the original position and inhale simultaneously. You can do a group of 15~20 times and 3~4 groups.

Slim Thigh Exercise - Thigh Abduction Training Machine

(1) Unlike the thigh adduction operation, close the resistance pad to bring the feet together after placing the feet on the pedals. Sit forward and tighten your abdominal core.

(2) After exhalation, the pelvis thrusts to open the legs. The pelvis is under resistance, and the feet return to the original position and inhale simultaneously.


Dear Friends! Following the above discussion, you can lose leg fat fast.

Previous post: Yoga Exercises 

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