Which yoga is best for mental health? Gymtips2023

 Which yoga is best for mental health? Gymtips2023

yoga for mental health

When you wake up each morning, your health determines your routine. Any ailment in the body weakens our vigor and makes it difficult to perform daily tasks properly. Many yoga asanas help keep you physically fit. Your mental health is just as important.

Your brain plays an important role in performing everyday tasks. Your ability to react, your ability to understand, and your ability to feel and then function well are all connected to the health of your mind.


We often don't realize that the brain, like other parts of the body, needs nutrients and energy daily. Just as physical exercise is necessary to keep the body healthy, mental exercise is necessary for intelligence. Yoga postures are very effective in the overall proper functioning of our body.


According to yoga experts, all people should practice yogasana daily to avoid such danger. It can effectively improve mood, increase concentration, relieve stress and anxiety, and cure symptoms such as depression. Let's know about some such yogasanas that improve mental health.

 Also read: How should beginner start yoga?

Yoga, Asana and Pranayama for the Mental Health

The science of yoga awakens the inner strength of the body and makes the body stronger and more efficient. It can also be the factor of a quick increase in cognitive power. It relieves stress and helps function all the brain's vital functions. For example, breathing through the left nostril activates the right brain, and breathing through the right nostril activates the left brain.


Bharmari Pranayama for optimal mental growth

·         Releases negative emotions such as anger, frustration, frustration and anxiety. Enhances concentration and memory. Increases self-esteem.


·         It's a simple process that can be done anywhere, at home or in the office. This pranayama is the best option to stay free from worry.

Pad Paschimotnasana for better mind

·         Stretches the spine and relieves tension. Calms the mind by removing anger and irritation.

Pull set yoga for better mind

Brings strength by stretching the neck and spine. Relaxes the muscles. Increases blood circulation in the brain. Helps calm the mind and nervous system, reducing anxiety, stress, and depression.


Sarvangasan exercise for mental health

Regulates and smoothens the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Strengthens the brain by providing more blood to the pineal and hypothalamus glands. Improves overall cognitive functioning.

Shaking Body Yoga exercise

·         Improves blood flow to the brain and calms the nervous system. Relieves stress and fatigue from back and neck tension. Click here to learn more.

How to do Super Brain Yoga?

·         Stand straight, arms in normal position.

·         Raise your left hand, grab the right earlobe, and ensure the thumb is facing forward.

·         Now raise your right hand and hold your left earlobe. Your right arm should be above the left arm.

·         Take a deep breath and sit up slowly.

·         Wait for 2-3 seconds.

·         Slowly exhale and rise, thus completing one cycle.

·         Daily you can do 15 such cycles.

Benefits of Super Brain Yoga

Super Brain Yoga activates the acupressure points in your ear lobes to increase your brain capacity. This exercise has the following benefits for the brain:


·         Right and left brain coordinates

·         Proper distribution of energy in the body

·         The ability to think increases

·         Mental energy increases

·         Creativity is boosted

·         Cognitive power increases.

·         Increases concentration and memory power.

·         Increases decision-making ability.

·         Stress is low

·         Psychologically stable

These mental exercises have proven to be very helpful for patients with various mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Down syndrome, autism, and dyslexia. You can also do a guided meditation after these exercises.


Increase brain power with meditation

Most people think that meditation is only for reducing stress. Meditation increases blood flow to the brain. Meditating for 6 hours a week changes the structure of the brain. These changes increase concentration, improve memory and increase the ability to multitask.


In 2011, Harvard-affiliated researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) confirmed this. Attention is associated with a thicker cerebral cortex and more gray matter. These are the parts of the brain associated with memory, alertness, decision-making, and learning, so meditation is a factor in greater brain power.


You know that yoga asanas, super brain yoga, pranayama, and meditation can stimulate your mind and make it more powerful. So give it some time and live a luxurious and healthy life.

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